Saturday, May 23, 2020

Gatsby and Great Expectations Essay Topics - Writing Good Essays

Gatsby and Great Expectations Essay Topics - Writing Good EssaysGreat Gatsby and Great Expectations Essay Topics - A Short Review One of the key features that made the great books of the past so enjoyable to read was the engaging subject matter. There were no boundaries of genre or modernity, because everyone who enjoyed a novel from that era knew that the story they were reading was a slice of life and had nothing to do with modernity. In this article I am going to discuss three Great Expectations Essay Topics you can use to engage your students with Great Gatsby and Great Expectations.Politics - One of the first of the Great Expectations Essay Topics is politics. There is no greater subject than politics, because it is the only realm of human existence that does not have boundaries of age or nationality. In addition, all political leaders are politicians by trade, and all politics are tactics of getting votes. One of the defining characteristics of the great novels of the past is t he ability to engage students on the complex question of politics and how the two great American dynasties fought for the top political job.Gatsby is more contemporary than the political power of the last generation. Gatsby has a grand house in the Hamptons, a fleet of cars, and he knows everything there is to know about socialites and 'good friends.' Gatsby could be the liberal cause célèbre, and the great novel would still engage your students. If you are going to write about Gatsby, get them engaged. It's easier than you think.Government - Another one of the Great Expectations Essay Topics is government. If you want to use government as the central theme of your class, that's fine. But, you also want to remember that government is not just an organizational process or a collection of laws, but a process in which people make choices about what kind of society they want to live in.Abstract thinking - This is another one of the Great Expectations Essay Topics that you can use to e ngage your students. When you begin to teach, you learn very quickly that some people learn better than others. When you ask your students to write about a topic, don't expect that every student will come up with a great essay.But if you use Great Expectations Essay Topics to get your students thinking and to encourage them to make a great essay, your class will be far more interesting and fun than it would be otherwise. Let your students think about these things, and let them have a lot of freedom to set the tone. Encourage them to put their ideas into words. Do the writing!Formal Thinking - The third one of the Great Expectations Essay Topics is that these essays are a form of formal learning. You don't have to be a formal language scholar to appreciate these great essays. When students learn to think creatively and to express their ideas using language that is clear and short, they develop a valuable skill that will carry over into their everyday lives. That's why writing in the form of an essay is such a great idea.These essay topics are by no means the only ones that you can use in your classes. But they are some of the many great ones that will engage your students and make them think.

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